flowers from a stand in Fort Langley From the last couple of months' very vigorous reading schedule, February took a slow and savor flavor. I read these books slowly, or put them down for awhile and came back to them (with the exception of one) and enjoyed them immensely, moreso than I thought I would. Have you read any of these? * Hands Free Life by Rachel Macy Stafford - I don't know what made me pick up a copy of this book, since I didn't particularly love Hands Free Mama, the first book by Stafford of similar nature, but I really enjoyed this book. Maybe it was the sophomore effort and the writing was just a bit more laid back or maybe it's because this was the time for this information (yes, books find you at certain times) and I was ready to receive it, but this was a title I savored this month. Although I consider myself a nearly-recovered perfectionist (thanks to 11 years with my wonderfully balanced husband), I do struggle with engaging in...