This might look like a title-heavy month, but don't let looks fool you-about half of these books are either extremely short, YA books (easy to read), or I started them in a previous month so didn't read them fully in November, just finished them this month. However, I have finally felt like our Fall season has been winding down the past week or so, and for that I can celebrate with more reading ! While a lot of families' obligations ramp up right before Christmas break, ours really start winding down around the first week in December, leaving us plenty of margin through the holiday season and beginning of New Year. Prepare for another (hopefully!) large reading month in December, followed by a Top 10 Favorites list. What did you finish this month that you loved? * Adamant by Lisa Bevere - This was my small group's book choice for the Fall and although there were some great nuggets throughout, and it gave us great conversations, I didn't overly love this...