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An Interesting Article

I hadn't heard much about the new trend of SAHW--Stay At Home Wives.

These women are childless (whether or not they plan to have kids, they are not currently mothers) and yet stay at home to tend to the household. This is an interesting idea to me, and well, I rather like what they have to say!

Here is a blog post about Wisebread's response to the article (if you read one or the other--read this one!)

I've had my own small stint at this. A few years ago, I quit a job I was actually getting sick over (a long story) and was worried about the 10 weeks of summer that I wouldn't be "doing anything" (working or going to school, as I had my senior year of college to finish up that fall). Stefan's response was that I just take a small break from my massive work/school load and enjoy the 10 weeks as well as taking care of the house and the small sacrafice of making his lunch for work. I have never had a cleaner house; I painted, I scrubbed, I chipped away, I caulked, I worked on our 'new house' (at that time we had just moved in), which meant that Stefan didn't have to do as much. I made dinner for us (something I never did), I took care of the landscaping, errand running, bill paying, etc.etc.etc. and had some time to read before Stefan got home, even getting my school books for the fall semester early so I could be ahead (which was so helpful, as I had 54 books to read in 16 school weeks that semester!). It was a great treat, and I think the verdict is pretty clear: the couples have more time for each other at the end of the day instead of droning through their marriage like business partners instead of being emotionally invested in the other person.

A great article, what do you think?


Anonymous said…
Hey Sarah -- very interesting article indeed. I think the world would love to put the spin on it that stay-at-home wives are a "luxury" or a "status symbol." I actually think it can be a sign that there are people out there who want to live fuller and happier lives on less money, and more people are making a point to value the health of their relationships instead of the balance in their bank account. This hasn't been the American "status quo" for a long time.
Beck said…
I totall agree with you on this. Honestly, taking care of a house and pets is a lot of work. It can feel like a job at times, but it sure does make a marriage closer, having time to prepare food, and not be dead tired at the end of the day. Some people scoff at the thought of working part-time when you don't have kids, but i've found that I seriously can't handle 40 hours a week, whether I have kids or not. It's just not in me. Hope all is well!

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