The last installment of four-part series will be on Homeschooling (curriculum based) Co-Ops & and "Others" that will be posted sometime next week!
Unschoolers have the most freedom in a schooling environment because they do not have to follow standardized requirements (except, check your local state, some states do require strict following as in a daily chart, or loose following like an "end of the year" test, or even nothing at all)
Unschooling is actually very hard to define. It is flexible, more unstructured than a curriculum-based pedagogy, and so open for experimentation and completely child-led.
The term "unschooling" first became popular in the newsletter "Growing Without Schooling" written by the father of 'unschooling', John Holt. I have read many books by John Holt and what he has found (by being an educator & a big advocate for homeschooling when it was illegal in many states) through his observation of how children learn. His name and another, John Taylor Gatto, are very well-known in the unschooling circles.
I will try to define my understanding of unschooling in examples of what it is and what it is not instead of a Pro's & Con's list.
What it IS:
- What it IS, is child-led, and this means, whatever subject the child wants to learn-- whether it be finding leaves & then making a book & researching the different trees they come from-- or electronics, and taking apart old, broken appliances to understand how they fit together; the child is interested, the parent or adult just facilitates more learning to keep the learning process fluid for the child. This may be answering a question by researching it themselves on the Internet, finding books about said subject at the library, or calling an adult who works specifically in that area and getting a tour/lecture/lesson from that person!
- It IS flexible, some days being declared reading days, some days being for exploration (out in nature or a field trip to a museum).
- It IS finding something to learn in anything and everything we humans experience on a regular basis, and the things we'd like to learn. Ever want to learn about horses? Call a local farm or boarding stable and ask if you can volunteer your time brushing and cleaning up for a few lessons or just for the experience!
What it is NOT:
- It is NOT (generally) curriculum-based homeschooling. For example, the parent is not just handing out a worksheet or reading a chapter from a science book everyday. A more 'normal' unschooling scene would play out with the child finding a science book at the library, and sitting for an hour devouring the entire thing...then moving on.
- It is NOT for all people! Let's be honest, some parents just can't imagine being with their children the 5 days a week for the 7 hour increments that they are in school. In that case, you would not like to unschool, or home school for that matter!
- It is NOT for the faint of heart! In all the books I've read on this topic, the #1 fear (and usually, the only one!) is "Are they actually learning by themselves?" It is a trust issue, one that I am to ask myself many many times until my children go off into the world themselves. Just because a child doesn't want to spend 45 minutes, 5 days a week (+ homework!) in English or Math does not mean they are bad at it or don't understand the concepts! Usually, it means they completely understand the concepts and have moved on to the next interesting subject, OR they aren't ready to learn it yet. (See resource for "what if that happens" questions. John Holt books are great at answering those!)
- It is NOT something you have to choose for their entire schooling period! If you feel it isn't going all means, do something else! Homeschooling is great in that respect, you can always always change course if it just isn't working out.
I hope I didn't leave you with more is almost hard to describe unschooling unless you've had some homeschooling experience or read up on it yourselves. Some great resources I've found are:
- Any book by John Holt.
- Wikipedia summary page of unschooling.
- Any book by John Taylor Gatto.
- Soulemama's blog. Although she doesn't talk just about unschooling, it is a big part of her family's life, and therefore, it peeks in every once in awhile. Like the post card series she is doing now! Head on over for some beautiful writing and excellent photography.
- Blue Yonder blog and Vintage Chica blog (and The Magnifying Glass!) have excellent resources/pages dedicated to unschooling. Read up! (don't forget: Home school Style Bytes :another unschooling blog--not updated as regularly)
- A book that is an entry-level explanation of other unschooling parents is The Unschooling Unmanual.
If you haven't guessed thus far, THIS is the option we are planning on choosing for our family! Ever since I've started researching schooling options about two years ago from my own interest, I have kept coming back to this, which is the best of all worlds, in my opinion. We can take a week's vacation in the middle of the school year and learn about anything from marine biology to geology; see it up close and personal without having to worry about being absent from school, and missing all that dreaded homework. We can use the Montessori "small tools" and celebrate seasons the Waldorf way without the expense. We can spend more time together and learn as adults, too! I am very excited about this in the next few years, and in fact, I think we do a pretty good job of it at an entry level already, teaching our children (mostly, Lukka, right now) about everything from chores, to responsibility, cooking, manners, and by going to the library, museums, and zoo! If this sounds like you, take the plunge and look into it more, you might just find something new you're passionate about!
Disclaimer:As always, I am a firm believer in "Mamma knows best", just to say whatever works for your family is the best option for you and your children. This post is only to show what I've come across, am interested & passionate about, and what we thinking of maybe, 'planning' to do.... doing what we feel is right for each individual child in the child's season of life.
I believe everything in our daily life is an opportunity for learning!
Nice set of posts, Sarah. Thanks!
I agree with Julie K in that our lifestyle is an "unschooling" one, as I imagine most families are. You teach as you go, answering the questions and touching on the topics that most interest your child. I love how some kids know the names of almost every dinosaur while other kids immerse themselves in fairytale role play for hours on end!
Sarah M
These kids know all the "necessary fields" like math, reading, writing, etc. and have honed in on one or two passions they have...whether that be like the examples in my summary, horse training or electronics. They are far more advanced than other students at this young age because they have been given the freedom and the TIME to excell and pursue their passions, a lot of whom even take college courses well before their college "years" (18-22).
There should be no fear that these kids will not understand computers. Every generation born in the 80s and after knows how computers work--even more so than the adults working with them now! They are growing up with them in the home.
I also never took a single college course that I had never heard of before entering college...and my "elective" classes were all across the board as far as interests go, from nutrition to ethnography to art history to a pre-law course.
Also, homeschooled kids (not just unschooled, but homeschooled in general)have 'learned on their own' their entire lives and statistically have better study skills and exam grades because they have had to learn what is important when reading or studying a concept. When a child is learning something they are interested in, and completely devour, their retention is amazing as well. Learning becomes fun instead of just regurgitating bold lettered words.
Sarah M
I've been thinking a lot about schools and teachers (potential upcoming blog post?) and believe that teachers play a great part in encouraging a child's natural bend. The word teacher can apply to anyone... a 2nd grade public school employee, a mother, an older brother, a director at a local theater, etc. I'm continually encouraged by Livia's preschool teacher who understands my child's makeup and will alter her teaching methods to accommodate different interests. I think the students being educated in teaching methods today are understanding more and more of different learning styles. For me, that's quite encouraging.
One thing I love about LPS is the wide variety of electives available to Lincoln kids. You'll find homeschooling high schoolers stopping by local schools for advanced chemistry, marching band, choirs, etc. I look at the Zoo School and wonder if Livia will end up in that environment during HS, and I know I would've have LOVED the Arts & Humanities program if it had been available to me.
Thanks for this series, Sarah. I'm glad you're reading and reporting the news back to us!
Since I was raised Catholic and went to school in a Catholic elementary & high school, I also did not have the opportunity to go to the Arts & Humanities school...but oh how I always wanted to! :)
Without getting to much into this online --this is a much better conversation face to face :) -- I feel the background and reason for schools systems like the current model is because of a lot of different avenues society and culture have taken at large. Like I said...another time.
I also have some experience in the LPS system from working 2 years in college as an instructor in the community learning centers program, funded by the government, and also a stint as a day-care provider for 5-6 year olds; which have also helped sift my opinions on everything from childcare to understanding how children learn.
Sarah M
(I don't mean to come across as confrontational; I'm genuinely curious. We won't have to be making this decisions for several more years, but I do think about them occasionally, though I've yet to do much serious research into it.)
It is unlike traditional homeschooling only in the fact that those who "unschool" do not use a curriculum-based program/routine/schedule. For example, for homeschooling families there are curriculum 'fairs' (events) you can go to to check out curriculum packages (ranging from 'teacher companions, readers, chapter books that follow it, religious or non-religious, etc.) and those all follow a tradition public/private school model. Most schools use curriculum packages that can be purchased for one or two children for homeschoolers. Does that make sense?
An unschooler is different in that sense, and in the sense that they perceive more "everything is learning" (and can therefore fit into a categorical "subject" as we know them) and don't feel pressure just to study for a test (that they'll forget about the next day) or do HOURS of homework every night.
In that sense I don't like the traditional model because it is just a job for a child, and then they can't seperate their job from fun--because they have homework when they get home, too! (Although, too much discussion there, maybe another time! :) I had up to* 3 hours of homework as a child per night once I got to 4th grade, and I think that is completely ridiculous.
You mentioned you don't like science, but do you like going fishing? Have you ever had a pet? Have you ever seen a falling star and wondered how it does that? :) Do you love to go out on nature hikes or spend a day at the ocean or in the mountains soaking up the beauty? These all fall into the "science" category!
These are things that are so valuable to children--to be out *experiencing* instead of just reading about it in a classroom for 35 hours a week.
As a stay at home mom for the last 2 1/2 years (and knowing that Julie K and RT are also stay-at-home-moms) it is easy for us to say we do these things on a regular basis, which I would agree with, because our children are small and not in full-day school yet, and are learning by imitation/trial & error at this point in their life.
I don't want to get too much into how society has formed our traditional model of school, because that is SUCH a long topic that I haven't fully reached a conclusion one way or another and it can be very hard to articulate things online!
The best direction I can give anyone regarding all this info is just to delve more into it if curious. The resource part of the post is just the tip of the iceberg. John Holt or John Taylor Gatto's (and many more if you google "unschool") answer these questions and many, many, many more! They are only about 100-160 pages each, and they are quick reads.
Sarah M
I definitely see the appeal, I'm just a tiny bit skeptical that it's a viable model all the way through high school age, unless like I said, the kid is really really self-disciplined and motivated. I guess if they are then it would be a good choice for them. :)
Please check more of it out through reading a book about it. I don't feel I am communicating the year by year process that kids grow and learn through the internet to you with the 'experience science' example.
Here is a great story of an unschooled kid who is having a movie made about him. His name is Zac Sunderland, maybe you have heard of him? He is the youngest person to sail around the world at age 16...all because of a passion.
What college *wouldn't* take him?
Sarah M