I have really been trying to be on the ball with Lukka & Anikka's Christmas sweaters, and back in June, I could keep my smug little smile. Welcome uh, November 8th? How did that happen!
*Ani's*I've got abotu 33% of Ani's sweater done and stalled at about the 75% mark on Lukka's. Now, if only there were more hours in the day! The boy's sweater is from Debbie Bliss, Cozy Sweater and the girls is a favorite of mine off of Etsy called the Girl's Capped Sleeve Sweater. It is such an easy knit, although I don't love magic loop method of knitting, I've gotten past that part and am on the body now, and about to cast off stitches for the sleeves. After that's it's abotu 7-8 inches of smooth 'movie knitting' sailing.
On a good note, for all of those other people in my life that are getting knitted gifts in the next month or two....those projects are done! Sorry, no sneak peeks until they've been received by giftee.
*Lukka's (yes, that's a front on top of a back)*
What are you working on this month?