With the fourth room in this house not being used for a child, we knew we wanted to keep our office & craft/sewing supplies seperate from the rest of the house. This room is only used by Stefan and I, and we love it that our kids aren't playing with the computer cords...
It's a small room, with an inspiration board, cork board, knitting supplies, sewing supplies, our file cabinet, Stefan's guitar and amp, and an oversize chair to watch Hulu(.com) on or just to hang out while the other is working on the computer. For such a tiny room, the three windows make this room SO bright! We love it.
It's a small room, with an inspiration board, cork board, knitting supplies, sewing supplies, our file cabinet, Stefan's guitar and amp, and an oversize chair to watch Hulu(.com) on or just to hang out while the other is working on the computer. For such a tiny room, the three windows make this room SO bright! We love it.