Remember this review a little while back? Well now the film is out and with an all-star cast this didn't disappoint. I'll be blunt and tell you I almost always like the book more than the movie, simply because the movies tend to...ah....have to....skip a lot of stuff that is usually character background. This movie floated over almost every relationship the main character, Jacob, has except his love-attraction. This is a little disappointing since a large part of his time on the travelling circus is getting to know his room-mate, Water, and his older friend, Camel. There was almost no point in the movie that explained how they became friends compared to the book. I feel that unless I'd read the book I wouldn't know why, how, or who his closest friends were.
Regardless, the visual 'prettiness' of the 30's circus was not lost, and the movie was fun to see on the big screen. Although I gave the book 4 out of 5 stars, this wouldn't be one I'd watch again, probably not even if it showed up in my Netflix instant queue section. 3 out of 5 stars for attraction and pizazz and one awesome elephant, but a notch taken off the book for poor character development.