Source: via Sarah on Pinterest
My goals for 2012 are short and tidy, but the hardest part of any resolution is simply trying to squeeze out more time than is available to us within a twelve month period. I like to take this list and jot out thoughts and intentionally sit down to think about, overall, what I want to accomplish with the time I'll be given, God willing.
As far as physical health goes, I'd like to continue on my path of making sleep, exercise, proper nutrition, and portion control important, and other than loosing a bit more weight (just to be back at college weight, so close!) I'm in maintenance mode for this, but it's still a goal. I learned a couple years ago that I'm the best version of myself when I get between 8-9 hours of sleep at night and get plenty of exercise.
Another goal is something that we've had to really compromise on. We have a goal of not having one, or both of us, away from the house during evenings more than 2 times per week (and yes, already, week #2 of the new year and we've failed. Both weeks.). With all of our activities, groups, friends, blah blah blah, there were maybe 1 or 2 days a week we were home...just HOME, a number of months on end. That had to stop. It's so easy to get into a frenetic schedule, and for what? I agree that relationships with close friends are very important, and deserve nurturing and intentional time. There are only so many continuing education we can do at a time (Stefan and I are both big fans of learning, so classes, etc. are hard for us to pass up, separately, usually, based on our individual interests), and sometimes, even if something sounds really fun, it just needs to be let go of for the health of the family.
Our goals involving children are bath time (cough), potty training Anikka which is going well, continue praying fervently for our children, their friends, and yes, even their future spouses, and also giving more grace and understanding to my sensitive child who seems to need many cuddles these days.
A financial goal we have had for a long time is to be debt-free, or at least don't incur more debt. So far we are on maintenance mode for this, but this year I am trying to specifically save for a nice camera. I have wanted a new one for years and our simple, everyday point and shoot is very near to biting the dust. I also want to try a bit of an experiment just with myself--to buy more things at the thrift store than I would at say, Target, or just pass things up altogether. I'm not being rigid with myself on this, just maybe more mindful of what types of treasures I can recycle by buying used even more than I already do. And for heaven sakes, make those silly market totes, more reusable napkins and nice tablecloths, runners, and place mats from my ginormous stash. It's just sitting, waiting to be used.
Relational goals will be continuing to invest a lot of time with family members (immediate and also extended), and spend more time with our really close friends. After a bit of prodding of one of my best friends, I realized that these relationships are so easy to misprioritize* because you think, 'they'll always be there when I have time', but when you need them in the every-day, you've had so many missed opportunities to make them even stronger if you neglect them. I'm hoping to spend at least 1 day a month with 3 specific groups of people (or persons) and making it work, which means cutting other things.
Do you write out your goal(s) every January? Do you make yearly goals? Are you a type A personality? Oh wait...talking out loud again...that was awkward...
*yes, it's a word. even according to urban dictionary ;)