Source: via Bridget on Pinterest
I am very excited to tell you all about a one-night class I am signed up for at Art & Soul here in Lincoln, called Color Theory I. One of my '26 Before 27' goals was to learn about the color wheel, at a more formal level than just mixing and matching my wardrobe, and painting my house. When a friend of mine told me he had been accepted at Art & Soul to begin teaching a color theory class, I told him I'd be interested as it was something I had planned on learning! He is teaching 3 levels of color theory, and each is a prerequisite to the next (i.e. I have to take color theory I before color theory II, and so on). Because I am not planning on going back to school for a design degree-- I just have small ambitions and love to learn-- I am only taking the first level.
If you are local: Art & Soul makes it easy to register online, and it's $40 for the first level. The class will include all the supplies you need, and there is a take home project. The color wheel quilt above was my first nudge into being interested in color theory, as it's in a sewing book I own and I think it is beautiful and well crafted, each color blending well into the next. As a blogger and someone who loves to work in my home creatively for myself (decorating, sewing and knitting home goods, etc.) and others, I really wanted to get a strong hold of color theory so I can choose items or fabrics, and even blog design layouts, that are well coordinated.
Art & Soul is located at 5740 Hidcote Drive, and here is the link to register for Color Theory I online. Scholarships are available. I am excited to take this class and develop a better sense of color theory and how I can use it for various activities I love! Any questions for David R, the instructor, can be directed here.