thinking back to buckets and buckets of peonies in late summer! We've had a gorgeous Fall, with sunny skies, bright changing colors, and the rain was practically non-existent (except the one week my friends were here! ugh). While some people despise the earlier dark, I relish it. The next three months is when I really hunker down, hibernate, slow our lives down significantly and just enjoy quiet, home, and rest. I recognize my seasonal ways and after very full Springs, Summers, and Fall craziness, I'm 100% on board with very little happening. Let the book season begin! We've had a gorgeous Fall, with sunny skies, bright changing colors, and the rain was practically non-existent (except the one week my friends were here! ugh). While some people despise the earlier dark, I relish it. The next three months is when I really hunker down, hibernate, slow our lives down significantly and just enjoy quiet, home, and rest. I recognize my seasonal ...