That meme is, as my friend Amy puts it, "Funny. And Not Funny." That about sums up this bizarro-world we've been living in for the past 5 weeks. The economy is shot, people are financially stressed, kids are home and bored out of their minds, and we've all seen a little too much of our family and too little of our friends and community. By now you've probably noticed it: some days feel completely manageable and some feel like Alexander's Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day mashed up with Groundhog Day. The unfortunate thing, is that the kids/spouse/roomates have their good days and bad days that don't necessarily coincide with ours. It's not like the little kids in quarantine can really articulate what they're feeling, either. A lot of us have to still be productive at work, while at home, with the new job of managing the kids' school work along with trying to find them things to do after those 90 minutes are up. Add a...