I'm going to let you in on a secret. I knew before I watched this movie, I would think it was cute. It has a killer soundtrack and two of my favorite actors and an IKEA cameo. I don't mind telling you that the only reason I will watch Elf is for Zooey Deschanel (still waiting on her full-length cd!) and I've got a thing for female scratchy voices. I love listening to them! Enter in the awkward Joseph Gordon-Levitt (10 Things I Hate About You) and some karaoke and you've got a movie that has been nominated for 2 Golden Globes. But let's be honest....
I really just wanted to see Zooey's wardrobe. She's got killer taste!
Girls--of course you'll want to see this movie! It's a cute comedy with a very good ending, narration Pushing Daisies-style, and a really interesting format (side-by-side "reality" & "imagination" for example). Even Stefan liked this movie, and he generally thinks my romantic-comedies should all be burned. Don't even get him started on Juno! :) We really liked this story, it's not too long, and it gave me tons of inspiration just from listening to the music and is a very 'pretty' film. Go see it!
Sarah Ann
Sarah M
I would just like to make one small correction; the male lead is Joseph Gordon-Levitt, not Jordan.