One of my favorite authors, Emily P. Freeman, had a newsletter a few weeks back about answering 3 things during the pandemic-related isolation. I can't link to it because it was in an email. You might enjoy her (very short) weekly podcast about doing the Next Right Thing, and yes, she came up with that before Kristoff sang about it. Here's my rendition:
1. What was the funniest thing that happened in April?
I honestly don't remember anything funny happening in April. More than likely, it was something I laughed at very hard on a Marco while communicating with my friends all over. They make me laugh daily and I'm very grateful for that!
The most joyful thing that happened to me in April? That was a walk every day with my kids underneath the flowering cherry blossom trees, them smacking the branches so I can have a showering of Spring's snow.
2. What do you miss?
The thing I miss the most right now is being able to share a meal with others, and seeing my friends in person--my co-op friends and my church friends. I love seeing them, seeing their kids, laughing with them, talking with them about books or whatever else, and having potlucks, bbqs, or supper club.
I miss being able to hike and having an entire month shaved off our ski season. I miss my kids being able to swim with their friends every week. I miss seeing my kids' friends, too!
I miss going to the library every week, and cancelling our Big Trip plans for the summer. Thank goodness I hadn't bought our train tickets yet, which are nonrefundable.
3. What does peace look like in May?
I'm currently in mid-May and peace, to me, looks like nothing on the calendar for an evening except listening to a podcast or watching an episode of Brooklyn 99 with Stefan. It looks like daily walks and collecting samples for our homeschool Botany study, and reading one of my childhood favorites, A Wrinkle In Time with the kids. It looks like saying yes to a lot more sleep, because my brain feels overloaded from management. It looks like mailing a lot more letters to friends and family, and reading books I've had on my bookshelves for years.