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How To: Make a Fun Inspiration Board

Before we moved, we had a tiny 1/2 cork board/ 1/2 dry erase board in our office that was just brutal to look at. The dry erase was always white and blank, and the other half was filled to the brim! I knew we needed something bigger, and lo and behold, one day when we were out taking the dogs for a walk, we found an old, stained, (huge!) corkboard sitting in the trash heap waiting for the garbage men to pick it up. We couldn't let that go to waste! I would figure out what to do with it...
Fast forward to our move and my trip to IKEA, and I came home with scads of their beautiful and cheap fabric, I knew how to fix it. Simple!
  • cork board
  • staple gun & staples
  • fabric that is 1.5-2 in. longer than your board (on all sides)
  • hammer (optional)

Iron fabric to get all the wrinkles out of it.

Lay fabric right side down on floor or table, wherever you are working.

Put cork board right side down, making sure there is an even 1.5-2 inches of fabric peeking out of all 4 corners underneath the board.

Start on top, using staple gun to staple fabric around board frame and using your hammer to pound down any wonky staples. Staple every 3 inches until all 4 corners are completed!


For a fun little sidenote, hot glue buttons to the top of your tacks for a cute look! Lukka helped me with this and he loved it


Anonymous said…
Great idea! I've been wondering if I should throw away my old boards, but i think i will keep them now:)

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