{I thought it would be fun to do a week of kid-related posts a) for the grandparents and b) because I need some perspective of "busy-ness for a good cause" and celebrating all things child-related seems to lift even the crabbiest of my moods. If you'd like to play along, leave your blog in the comment section so we can follow you, too! Each day will be devoted to a child, then some favorite books, and nooks.}
Today I just wanted to share a few local 'nooks' the kids love around Lincoln & Nebraska City, Nebraska, so if you're living here you won't miss them! The first picture is of the gem of a play area tucked away in Pioneer's Park near their older nature center. Our friend, Lisa, found this a year ago and showed it to us when we were on our picnic. I'm so glad she did. It's the most peaceful place to play early in the morning, and Lukka and Anikka were busy here for over an hour. Yes, I read (and snapped photos!) It's called the Natural Play Area.The wonderful Tree Adventure in Nebraska City is also one of the kids' favorite play areas, though an hour drive away. The beautiful scenery and interesting activities make this a full play day, but don't forget to pack a lunch or you'll be eating very expensive (and not great) food at their little vending area. Here's Lukka with a play silk roaming around his castle !
Probably more so a favorite of Lukka's than Ani's, simply because she's younger, is the Lincoln Children's Museum. Here is Luie banging on a part of the fascinating "Sounds, Vibrations, Music" exhibit that just left this month. They always have fun here. For a year's pass it's only $60 and talk to any local mom and they'll tell you it's totally.worth.every.penny. You can stay for 30 minutes or an entire morning and see (play) something different each time.
Lastly, one of Ani's favorite places is the zoo. Lukka got his first pony ride and the two of them got to go on a train ride with Mom, Oma and aunt Kristen this year! Here they're playing (or taking a break?) in one of the multiple sand + tool areas they have at the zoo, in case you get tired of all the cool & updated exhibits they're reworking! This is another great place to hang out from April - October.
Where do your kids like to go? Leave us some links!
Where do your kids like to go? Leave us some links!

Ashley, He will LOVE IT! Enjoy!
My in-laws took Livia to Fontenelle Forest in Bellevue, NE, and had an amazing time. It reminds me a bit of the Nebraska City pics you've posted.
We like meandering on the walks around the Pioneers Park Nature Center and Wilderness Park as well. Anything that takes us into nature and away from tvs and phones and other technology is really great for us!