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Gluten Free Veggie Pot Pie

Some of my favorite meals are comforting Autumn soups or casseroles, and I'd had a craving for this for a few weeks now. With a little elbow grease and...ahem...a lot of butter; Pioneer Woman, Stefan and I made one hell of a pot pie!


Alright, so you guessed it, that wasn't my veggie pot pie, but it was so delicious it couldn't wait to be eaten, rather than snapped by a camera. (I may have just finished the leftovers for lunch.) Making regular foods that use a lot of flour are sometimes hard to match in the gluten free department, but a friend of mine gave me a GF pie crust box-mix and I had all the veggies I wanted in it, so we were off! I adapted my own recipe from Pioneer Woman's Chicken Pot Pie Recipe in her cookbook, Pioneer Woman Cooks, using a lot less of her ingredients and omitting the chicken.

Here's what we did:

*Make before-hand: Box mix of GF pie crust (I know, I know, I like to make things like this from scratch too, but I'd also consider myself more of a "free-gan"...when I can get it free, it's a done deal!) since it has to sit in the fridge for 30-60 minutes....

*Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F.

*Saute onions, leeks, carrots, celery, and frozen peas (1c + each, according to like) in 1/2 stick of butter for about 4 minutes or until cooked.

*Add 3/4 c. Gluten Free flour and mix constantly letting the flour coat and thicken the veggies for about 1 minute. We are die-hards Bob's Red Mill GF flour lovers.

*Pour in 2 cups of broth (veg or chicken) and let mixture thicken to a gravy consistency while stirring.

*Add 1/2-3/4 c heavy cream (you know you want to). and continue to stir mixture. Turn to low heat and let simmer for a few minutes. Cover and remote from heat.

*Roll out pie crust & top; place in cookware and dump veggie mixture into pie crust until it's about 3/4 to the top. Cover with pie crust and pat down around edges (ours bubbled out, still!).

*Bake at 400 for about 30-40 minutes or until golden brown. Let cook for about 10 minutes or you'll burn your tongue!


(Note: we had a lot extra pie crust from the box & extra filling and made mini pot pies in a muffin tin...the kids loved them! Bake for 20-30 min)


Lori said…
Now you went and made me really hungry for veggie pot pie. :)


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