The Social Network is a film about the creator of the popular online website, which has more than 500 million active users. It's on par with Google, and it's simply a website to connect by 'friending' people you know. This movie won a lot of awards, just check it's site to see all of them, ranging from Critics Choice to Golden Globes.
I thought this would be a fun movie to watch with Stefan, as I'm an avid facebook fan, and not. He refuses to have a profile, but I love seeing what my friends are reading, listening to, and talking about. I also wanted to watch it because Mark Zuckerburg, who has been in the news off and on these last few years, is the first billionaire of my generation, and frankly, I was curious.
We laughed so hard throughout this movie, and were intrigued at how this site actually got started. Jesse Eisenberg plays Mark Zuckerburg (creator of facebook) and did a really good job. He was a completely believable character of the loser-genius who writes the code for the largest social networking site in a week, sometimes drunk and finalizes it within roughly a month. His remarks throughout were snide, and hilarious. We really enjoyed learning about the history of how Facebook came to be (is it weird I know where I was and who I was with when I first heard about it?) and had a lot of good conversations afterward about privacy, transparency, etc.
I give this movie 4 out of 5 stars for relevance, and wit. Enjoy!