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Recipe Box: Knock-Off Red Robin Crispy Chicken Salad

I barely remembered to snap a photo before I devoured it

We don't eat out much, but when Stefan's in the mood (which is not often, he has more will-power than I do), for a burger, he usually wants to eat at Red Robin. We probably haven't eaten there but three or so times since moving out to Blaine, but I crave their Crispy Chicken Salad something fierce. If you want a salad that is a meal, and you love stuff in your salad, take my word for it and make this at some point this week. You will not be disappointed! 
This serving size is enough for 1 person's salad, with chicken 'strips' leftover for 3 other people, at 2 a piece.

You'll need:
*3 skinless chicken breasts, thawed and cut into 3 strips a piece
*6 cherry tomatoes
* 1 medium carrot, chopped
*2 cups of your favorite lettuce (I like curly leaf, and romaine)
*2 eggs
*1/4 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
*homemade honey mustard (1/2 cup each of honey, yellow mustard and then 1TBSP light mayo and lemon juice)
*1.5 cups rice crispies cereal
*1/2 cup pretzels (I love Glutino's gluten-free pretzel rods)

Preheat oven o 350 degrees. Use 1 egg and whip in a shallow bowl. Hard-boil the other egg for 8 minutes (cool, peel, and slice in eighths when done). Put the pretzels & rice crispies cereal into the food processor and pulse until the consistency looks closer to bread crumbs. You don't want it extremely fine, you want some 'chunk' to it, but it usually takes me between 30-90 seconds of processing.

The three chicken breasts need to be sliced into three pieces each. Dunk each 'tender' into egg wash, covering it completely, and then immediately into breadcrumb mixture, covering the piece of chicken. Place on sprayed oven pan. Once all are done, pop in the oven and set time for about 15 minutes or until cooked.

Making homemade honey mustard: add 1/2 cup if honey, and 1/2 cup of yellow mustard to a small jar, add light mayo and lemon juice. Whisk with fork or shake with lid on vigorously for about 1 minute. There may still be some small mayo chunks, but the taste is excellent. 

Wash and chop lettuce, tomatoes split in two, and dump chopped carrot and cheddar cheese on top of lettuce pile. Complete with cooled, peeled, and cut egg and fork-sized pieces of slightly cooled chicken before adding homemade honey mustard dressing. Enjoy! 


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