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28 Before 29...what *actually* happened

Taken while hiking in the fall at Campbell Valley in Langley. This was my Canadian version of the " I HEART NY " meme. 

For the last number of years I have stolen Sarah Von's awesome idea to create a list of fun things to do before my next birthday (scroll down, bottom right on her site), and I love the intentionality it gives me. I'm rarely bored. There are times when I'm in between books and projects that I feel restless, but when I write down a tangible list of activities I want to try, places I want to explore, or items I want to make, the anxiety of boredom fizzles away and I have a goal.

In the words of my son's favorite show, Phineas & Ferb, "Ferb, I know what we're gonna' do today!"

Most years I follow through with over half. Other years, like this year, I'm closer to target. It's all fun and games, so it's not something to beat myself up over if I don't reach All The Things, it's just a way I can track what I learned, tried, and experienced in the past year.

I had a great list this year because it was our first full year living in Washington state, with plenty of places to explore here and north of the border. Tack on a family or two vacation, and we had a lot of fun experiences to look forward to and enjoy. I finished 20 of those 28, and the 21st is still ongoing. Hey! Learning to skateboard 10 years too late is a little taxing!

 The highlights of this year were going sailing, walking on the Capilano suspension bridge, trying fish and chips, learning to fishtail Ani's hair, riding on a ferry, going to a concert (Ani Difranco in Vancouver!), seeing the tulips, and biking around Stanley Park.

What didn't make my year were these:

* Watch "Of Gods and Men". This was year two. I think I'm giving up on it.

* Make a maxi skirt for myself. This might be year two, as well. I have designs drawn. My machine has made so many kids clothes this year, but I have still chickened out using up lots of fabric for myself.

*Sew a turban headband. I still want to follow through on this. My latest sewing kick has just recently come back, but my machine's in the shop right now.

* Buy a new camera! I'm rethinking this, mostly because I can't imagine hauling a huge, amazing, expensive camera every time we go outside and play (and get really dirty). Since technology has come along way in the past 5 years, I'm considering buying an awesome -but-mini camera. Right now my camera money is going to Portland!

*Make a set of napkins & tablecloth. This idea just bored me when I looked at it. No motivation.

*Get a bouquet of flowers at Seattle's Pike Place Market. We never have made it down to Seattle, but our day is coming (with Amtrak! stay tuned...). It seems a little silly to me that our only time in Seattle in the past 365 days, when we live two hours away, was to stop at Chipotle on our way home from Nebraska.

*Make chocolate-chip meringues a la Giada. This is (hopefully) happening today. I have all the ingredients, and nothing on the calendar!

 /// Stay tuned 29 Before 30 is coming up soon! ///


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